Looking for banned and challenged titles? Check out these lists below:
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[Note: We are working to improve access to our collections and revising our subject headings to be more respectful and inclusive. Please be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions in search results or library materials which reflect the author’s attitude or that of the period in which the item was created and may now be considered offensive.]
Highlighted below is a selection of banned/challenged books from our collection. Click on the title to see more information, place a hold or see the book's location.
Morrison, Toni
PS 3563 O8749 B55 1994
Banned or challenged in many schools for profanity and being sexually explicit.
Huxley, Aldous
PR 6015 U9 B73 1977b
Insensitivity, offensive language, racism, and sexually explicit.
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
PR 5397 F7 1994b
Obscene material and unnatural acts.
Orwell, George
PR 6029 R8 A65 1993
It was considered too controversial to print during World War II because it's themes of corruption and revolution were thought to be too critical of the U.S.S.R.
Angelou, Maya
PS 3551 N464 Z466 1993
Sexually explicit, vulgar language, violent imagery.
Sebold, Alice
PS 3619 E26 L68 2002
Challenged in schools for graphic violence and frightening content.
Hosseini, Khaled
PS 3608 O832 K58 2003
Challenged for homosexuality, offensive language, religious viewpoint, and for being sexually explicit.
Atwood, Margaret
PS 8501 T9 H36
Profanity, offensive to Christians, sexually explicit and sexual degradation.
Alexie, Sherman
PS 3551 L35774 A27 2007
Vulgar language, references to masturbation, viewed as anti-Christian.
Collins, Suzanne
PZ 3 C5295 2008
Violence, unsuited to age group, religious viewpoint, anti-family, anti-ethnic, insensitivity and offensive language.
Rowling, J. K.
PZ 7 R69 H35 2000
Promotes the occult, is anti-family, and contains violence.
Robertson, David
E 98 W8 R63 2015
Alberta Education listed this as "not recommended for use in the classroom" because of it's “graphic representation of sensitive content”.
Gaiman, Neil
PN 6728 S26 G39 2013
Banned for "anti-family themes", "offensive language" and it's material as "unsuited for age groups".
Lemire, Jeff
PN 6733 L45 E87 2009
Challenged for offensive language.
Tamaki, Mariko
PN 6733 T363 T55 2014
Sexually explicit with mature themes, LGBTQ+ characters, drug use, and profanity. This was American Library Association's most challenged book in 2016
Bechdel, Alison
PN 6727 B3757 Z46 2007
Alleged pornographic content, drug use, graphic sexual violence and anti-religious sentiments.
Kobabe, Maia
PZ 3.7 K63 G46 2020
The most banned book in the U.S. in 2021 for being pornographic, sexually explicit and having LGBTQ+ characters,
Kirkman, Robert
PN 6728 W352 K57 2015
Violence, profanity, and sexually explicit content.
Spiegelman, Art
D 810 J4 S643 1986
Anti-ethnic and content unsuitable for younger readers.
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