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Scholarly Publishing: What Are Your Publishing Challenges?

Where to start:

Bright Talk contains many interesting videos about researching, publishing and using social media. I would recommend this video:


  • Publishing Secrets for Early Career Researchers in Nursing by Professor Roger Watson; Charon A. Pierson; Susan Gennaro; Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk; Elizabeth Park. There are a couple technical difficulties but I think this is an interesting introduction to thinking about publishing and getting yourself published. You also don't need to be in Nursing to find the information valuable.

  • Building a professional identity - From research to impact by Prof. Carol Tenopir, University of Tennessee; Manon Burger, Elsevier Journals; Wouter Haak, VP Product Strategy, Elsevier. This video is more of a sales pitch to use Mendeley, Scopus and other Elsevier products but you might find you learn something to help you on your way.


Screenshot example of Bright Talk content. Taken June 1, 2017 from

I Need Help with:

Don't have time to do a Literature Review:

This is the perfect opportunity to ask for help.

  • Perhaps you may have a student, who would love to have their name published in an article before they graduate. Just ask and they may be willing to do the research for you.
  • Ask your liaison librarian, they might be able to do some research for you or find someone who is willing to. Don't forget to give them credit.
  • Maybe you have a colleague who wants to publish as well but similarly doesn't have the time . A little task division might be the boost you both need.


Ethics Approval:


Can't get enough participants:

This may be a common problem. You could decide to do a case study as an alternative way to present your research, or you can see if others are doing similar research to you. Researchers are starting to make their data open as a way to add value to the work they have already done. If others use the data and have the same results, the original research is made more robust.

Here are some online data repositories:

Collaborate. There is probably someone in your department who would love to help, give advice or even do the writing for you.

Be resilient. The reviewers can be harsh. They may also include general feedback that applies to most but not to you. For example, I was told my article was too long even though it was within the limits. I also had 3 accepts and one reject while others in the same publication had 2 rejects and 1 accept. We all did get published in the end. Sometimes an accompanying cover letter is all the editing that is needed to get an article accepted.


Part of the dilemma of researching is collecting the data you need. You might find, however, that there is already data out there. You just need to know where to look.

Check out the Data Services that are offered by UFV library.


There are other websites that are working as data hubs or data repositories. Here are some examples:

Perhaps as a sessional you do not have a lot of contact with other faculty, or maybe you are new to UFV.

UFV offers Microlectures which can give both faculty and students insights to the research that is happening at UFV. You can meet people and find out if your research interests connect with others.


You may also find that if you attend the Faculty Council meetings people might share their research ideas or objectives there.


Make a profile for yourself on UFV's Institutional Repository (IR): HarvestIR

The University of the Fraser Valley is situated on the traditional territory of the Stó:lō peoples. The Stó:lō have an intrinsic relationship with what they refer to as S’olh Temexw (Our Sacred Land), therefore we express our gratitude and respect for the honour of living and working in this territory.

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