Many of us know that university students do a lot of reading. Although much of that reading is likely related to assignments and studies - there are many benefits to reading for fun. Reading can help us relax, manage stress, learn new things, and is a form of entertainment. Take a look through the guide to discover some leisure reading options available through the UFV Library!
UFV Library collections are organized using the Library of Congress Classification System which is a different system compared to what many public libraries in North America use. UFV library may not be organized in the same way as the Fraser Valley Public Library but there are still many leisure reading books on our shelves!
An extensive leisure reading section as well as our English Language Learning section can be found on the first floor of the Abbotsford Library. On the second floor of the library you can find literature books in the PR-PZ sections. The second floor is also where you'll find books in languages other than English. There are also many fun books available at the Chilliwack and Mission campus libraries; we also have leisure reading titles available as eBooks or eAudiobooks. Be sure to ask our staff if you need any help locating a book or a section of the library!
Photo by Eliabe Costa on Unsplash
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