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Homeless in the Fraser Valley: Books

This guide is a starting point for resources on homelessness, particularly in the Fraser Valley.

Using Books

Books are excellent sources to consult for general introductory information when you are just learning about a topic or looking for definitions. Remember that books take a long time to be published so their information can be out of date versus other sources such as reports or websites. The UFV Library has numerous print and electronic books available for users to read whether you are at home or on site - please see a small selection highlighted below. If you are unsure how to find books on your own, please see the Library's how-to videos at the bottom of this page or contact a library staff member for assistance. 

Books, Videos & E-Resources


[Note: We are working to improve access to our collections and revising our subject headings to be more respectful and inclusive. Please be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions in search results or library materials which reflect the author’s attitude or that of the period in which the item was created and may now be considered offensive.]

Additional Library Resources

Finding Books in UFV Library

Finding Books in the UFV Library

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Books & E Books

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Reference Sources

The University of the Fraser Valley is situated on the traditional territory of the Stó:lō peoples. The Stó:lō have an intrinsic relationship with what they refer to as S’olh Temexw (Our Sacred Land), therefore we express our gratitude and respect for the honour of living and working in this territory.

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