The UFV Library subscribes to image databases, including JSTOR. These images cannot be used in open websites, but can be used for classroom instruction, presentations, student assignments, research papers, and other non-commercial professional/educational activities. Always check the Terms and Conditions of Use before working with images from a subscription database.
While not designed as image databases, some subscription databases, such as Art Full Text, allow images to be used for educational purposes.
Images can be printed and used in presentations and assignments, but cannot be shared on the open Web. If you find an image in an article database that can be used in your assignment/presentation, be sure to check for usage information.
On the right is an example of Art Full Text’s usage/permission information for an image featuring the background composition of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.
Click on “What am I allowed to do with this Image?” to access the usage/permission information page (below):