From the Canadian Government. Overviews of the labour market and general economic trends; detailed information on all occupational groups and post-secondary fields of study; current and future labour market conditions; and prospects for finding work in the Canadian workforce.
The Career Handbook is organized by occupational classification, and includes information on aptitudes, interests, involvement with data/people/things, physical activities, environmental conditions, education/training indicators, career progression and work settings.
The NOC is the standard method of classifying occupations in Canada. It organizes over 40,000 job titles into 500 occupational group descriptions. Information provided includes related job titles, main duties, employment requirements, and related information.
Statistics Canada information on wage rates and earnings by major industry grouping, comparisons of female-male earnings, construction union wage rates, plus much more. Tables can be customized by many variables. Some tables are updated monthly.
A comprehensive site with career profiles, labour market information, job search tools, human resources information, demographic information, education and training information and more.
Cross-reference different careers by income, location, buying power, and more; includes salary averages and ranges, and potential earnings in bonuses and benefits; available for Canada and the U.S.