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Finding Company Filings

How find documents filed by companies with securities and regulatory bodies.

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Using EDGAR to Find Company Filings

About Company Filings in this Database

About Company Filings in EDGAR

EDGAR is a database of all legally required public securities filings with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including those of public companies. Some of the document types you'll find are:

Document Name


8-K Information released to the media and public by the company
10-K Annual report; includes audited financial statements, management's discussion and analysis, corporate governance, executive structure and compensation, sources of capital
10-Q Quarterly report; similar to 10-K

You may also find documents about a company's code of ethics, environment, social and governance (ESG) policies and activities, and more. Use the "search text in documents option, or start with a full-text search on the landing page.

Finding Company Filings

Finding Company Filings

  1. Enter the Company Name or Ticker Symbol (fastest method) in the relevant search box.
  2. Select your company you want from the drop down suggestions.
  3. Click the Search button.

Red box around search field with nike entered and drop-down menu of suggested results.

Reading the Company's Filings Page

Company Information View basic details about the company, including any name changes, related industries, and the fiscal year end
Latest Filings The most recent documents filed by the ocmpany
Selected Filings Get quick access to the most recent 8-K, 10-K and 10-Q filings; click on the "View all ..." button/link to see olders filings. Also note the button/link "How to read a ..."
Ownership Disclosures Reports on insider transactions and beneficial ownership statements

Screenshot of Nike Inc Profile, Red arrow to Company Information and to 10-K and 10-Q tab.

Searching the Full-Text of Company Filings

Scroll down the page to the section listing all of the company's filings in reverse chronological order; you'll find a search box that enables you to search the full text of documents; this is very useful for finding documents such as the company's Code of Ethics, ESG reports, and reports on equity, diversity and inclusion.

APA Citation Format


In-Text Citation

Netflix Inc. (2015, April 17). Form 10-Q. (Netflix Inc., 2015)


  • Provide the URL of the publisher's home page. Do not provide the direct URL to the report.
  • Use hanging indents to format references.
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