EDGAR is a database of all legally required public securities filings with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including those of public companies. Some of the document types you'll find are:
Document Name |
Description |
8-K | Information released to the media and public by the company |
10-K | Annual report; includes audited financial statements, management's discussion and analysis, corporate governance, executive structure and compensation, sources of capital |
10-Q | Quarterly report; similar to 10-K |
You may also find documents about a company's code of ethics, environment, social and governance (ESG) policies and activities, and more. Use the "search text in documents option, or start with a full-text search on the landing page.
Section |
Description |
Company Information | View basic details about the company, including any name changes, related industries, and the fiscal year end |
Latest Filings | The most recent documents filed by the ocmpany |
Selected Filings | Get quick access to the most recent 8-K, 10-K and 10-Q filings; click on the "View all ..." button/link to see olders filings. Also note the button/link "How to read a ..." |
Ownership Disclosures | Reports on insider transactions and beneficial ownership statements |
Scroll down the page to the section listing all of the company's filings in reverse chronological order; you'll find a search box that enables you to search the full text of documents; this is very useful for finding documents such as the company's Code of Ethics, ESG reports, and reports on equity, diversity and inclusion.
Reference |
In-Text Citation |
Netflix Inc. (2015, April 17). Form 10-Q. http://www.sec.gov | (Netflix Inc., 2015) |
© , University of the Fraser Valley, 33844 King Road, Abbotsford, B.C., Canada V2S 7M8