If students or faculty have questions about Multi-factor Authentication, please refer them to the following link with more information and updates:
Library Contact Information:
For general IT information. For off campus access for library databases see Database Authentication link above
E-resource Emergency Contact:
Before contacting the emergency contact, please confirm that this is a system-wide outage, and not an issue with an individual computer. Please test the issue yourself, think about what time it may be back East (perhaps the database is undergoing a late night service update) and ask your colleagues in Campfire to check and confirm.
If Library is Closed: In instances where only one database provider is down, e.g. Proquest or Ebsco please email diane.cruickshank@ufv.ca. Resolving this sort of problem may take a while. Give a description of what the problem is: which browsers used, what item looked for, what error messages appeared. Screenshots would be greatly appreciated.
If all databases are down, please call (for phone number please see the Guest Logins page under UFV) and email both diane.cruickshank@ufv.ca. Resolving this issue is more under our control and we may be able to restore service quickly. Give a description of what the problem is: which browsers used, what item looked for, what error messages appeared. Screenshots would be greatly appreciated.
If the Library is Open: Please contact Diane Cruickshank 604-507-7441 x4240 by phone and email diane.cruickshank@ufv.ca. Give a description of what the problem is: which browsers used, what item looked for, what error messages appeared. Screenshots would be greatly appreciated.
You can also contact the Abbotsford Library Circulation desk to inform them in case you are unable to contact Diane. (604) 854-4545
Askaway Local Administrator: Shawna Kristin(shawna.kristin@ufv.ca) 888 504 7441 local 4410