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IDS 200, Ecologies of Hope / River Conversations

Before We Begin

Territory acknowledgment : Long before Canada was formed, the Stó:lō (people of the river) occupied the land on which UFV is located. They lived in the Fraser Valley and lower Fraser Canyon of British Columbia and they spoke Halq'eméylem, also known as the upriver dialect.

This guide has been developed as a general introduction to library and Internet resources  It is not a comprehensive listing of sources, but rather a starting point from which you can begin your research according to your information needs.

The'wá:lí Community Digital Map

Chilliwack banner

Click on photo to go to theThe'wá:lí Community Digital Map Photo credit: Province of B.C.

"The The'wá:lí Community Digital Map is a place to learn about The'wá:lí's places and their many stories and varied meanings. Maps are not only important for telling us how to get to and from places. They also tell stories. They contain information about how we value our places, and they reflect how we understand the world around us. They also tell stories about our pasts."  Click here for more information about this project.

The University of the Fraser Valley is situated on the traditional territory of the Stó:lō peoples. The Stó:lō have an intrinsic relationship with what they refer to as S’olh Temexw (Our Sacred Land), therefore we express our gratitude and respect for the honour of living and working in this territory.

© , University of the Fraser Valley, 33844 King Road, Abbotsford, B.C., Canada V2S 7M8