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BUS 120, Essentials of Marketing: Company Information

Marketing News Online

Newspapers on the Web

Company Resources

Use these resources to research your company. But remember: "Trust but verify" - the main purpose of a company's web site is to promote itself; all of the information on the company's achievements and performance can (and should be) be verified in external sources. Also remember that a company is not going to openly reveal its marketing strategy to all its competitors. You need to read "between the lines" to find information about product trends and strategy.

Company Profiles

Find recent, in-depth profiles of your company with these resources. But remember - not everything you need will be provided from a source; some of it you will need to pull together yourself or deduce from available information

Company Financials

Use these in addition to the annual reports to gather information about the financial health and welfare of your company.

Business Research Databases

Search these databases for information on marketing, products, current issues, strategic directions, and more.

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