Selected material from our library collection:
Tip: Remember to take advantages of the limiters: Peer-Reviewed / Scholarly Journals and/or Available in Library Collection
Example Searches:
Books are very good at giving you the bigger picture of a topic. They give you introductory information as well as current trends of thought and you will find they help you understand the journal articles, that you find, better. Use the library catalogue or select one of the following subject headings:
Example subject headings:
The best database to search for Canadian topics is the Canadian database: Canadian Business and Curernt Affairs.
Try the following for information on:
Ewen Cameron, Maude Barlow, Naomi Klein,
Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) covers current events, business, science, the arts, education, and social sciences as produced in Canada.
Permitted Uses for this Database
Use one of the following databases to find journal articles if you are looking for initial information about a literary story. Remember that each database will give you different results so try each one.
Also remember to check out our Libguide on Biography if you are still looking for more information.